October 24, 2022

Repair Request Form

Repair Request Form

We’re Sorry

We are sorry that you are having an issue. As with all electronics that deal with high amp output and Wifi connection variables, there is always a small percentage of maintenance or need for repairs. For this reason we offer such an amazing warranty. In order to best serve you, we need some information from you about the issue so that we can best prepare to take care of you. Some of these answers will help us determine the correct personnel to send out to service you. These factors would include required height of the ladder, longevity of the install, type of system to ensure the best qualified person is sent, etc. Please fill out the form below and we will send someone out as soon as we have someone in the vicinity with the available time to complete your repair.

Information on repairs are important for us to know all the requirements before sending out any resources. Please fill out this form for us to get you in our system.

Please note: Repairs are covered under warranty for malfunctioning equipment due to manufacturer defects or installation labor issues. This does not include: Connection issues to your router, Inability to understand the mobile application, Improper programming of the lights, and any other misunderstanding of the functionality of the app.

    We promise not to disclose your personal information to third parties.

    Want to work together!

    I’m available for freelance work.